Our School
Our Governors
Paul Henderson-Griffiths
I am the Chair of the Governing Board at Hilton Lane and I have had the honour of serving on the Board since 2013, as a Co-opted member.
In addition to being the Chair, I also have specific responsibility is SEND, Safeguarding, Head Teacher Performance Management and Website Compliance. I also sit of the School Effectiveness and Resources Committee.
I thoroughly enjoy my work on Board, working alongside parents, teachers and our amazing young people to achieve their full potential.
Sue Cross
My name is Sue Cross and I am a Local Authority Governor. I am vice chair of the Governing Board and a member of the Resources and School Effectiveness Committees. I have lived in Salford all my life and worked in and with Salford schools for over 40 years. I was delighted to be offered the opportunity to join the Governing Board at Hilton Lane Primary School. I enjoy working with the school staff and fellow governors to support the school in giving the children the very best opportunities to grow and learn in their primary years.
Vivienne Rogerson
I am a Co-opted Governor and a member of the Resources and School Effectiveness Committees.
I have worked in schools since 2004 and in Salford schools since 2018.
I enjoy working with the school staff and fellow governors to support the school and its community in giving the children the very best opportunities to grow and learn in their primary years and prepare for their future.
Daniel Rowson
I am a Parent Governor at Hilton Lane and I have two children that attend the school. I have been on the Governing Board since 2018 and I enjoy being a part of the Hilton Lane Family.
I have specific responsibility in Health & Safety, Maths, Head Teacher Performance Management and I am the class link Governor for Year 1 and Year 2. I also sit of the School Effectiveness and Resources Committee.
I thoroughly enjoy my work as a Governor, working alongside parents, staff and helping children to Aim High Together.
Deena Patel
I joined as a Parent Governor at Hilton Lane Primary School in June 2023. I wanted to expand my knowledge within the Education sector and challenge how things are done to make the school more successful for our future generations. This role gives me an opportunity to develop myself personally and professionally.
I am looking forward to seeing how the changes and developments will benefit the children within Hilton Lane Primary School and result in the success of our future of tomorrow.
Bethany Pilling
I joined the Hilton Lane Family in September 2016 and have taught across all three key stages. I became SENDCo in September 2023 and have a keen interest in providing the best outcomes for all children, especially those with additional needs. I joined the Governing Board in January 2024 and look forward to gaining a strategic overview of the school.
Hayley Kearsley
As the Headteacher of Hilton Lane, I attend all Governors meetings, including all sub committees. I joined The Hilton Lane Family in September 2022 and have been working closely with the Governors since to further develop the educational offer we give our children. I look forward to continuing the journey, always welcoming their challenge and support.
Sheri Reddrop
My name is Sheri Reddrop and I am a co-opted governor and a member of the Resources committee. I am the class link governor for Year 6 and have specific responsibility in attendance. I started in the role in December 2024 and I’m thoroughly enjoying working alongside school staff and fellow governors. I have worked with children, young people and their families in various roles across Greater Manchester over the last 19 years and l look forward to continuing my support to the children at Hilton Lane.
In my spare time I love to spend time with my family – I have 2 primary aged children of my own – and can usually be found standing in the cold at the side of a rugby pitch at weekends – but I wouldn’t have it any other way!
The Governing Board Vision
The Governing Board of Hilton Lane Primary School works with the school community to create an environment where children and staff feel safe and are able to achieve their full potential. The governors share the school’s stated vision for learners:
At Hilton Lane Primary School, our vision is for every child to feel happy and safe with a strong sense of belonging - they will look back on their time with us and smile. Our children have things to say and places to go, they know that they will always be listened to and what they say will be valued. The Hilton Lane Family value what each and every child has to offer. Together as a team, we support and challenge our children to help them to become resilient individuals who have the highest expectations of themselves in all aspects of their work and life. We want our children to exceed their potential and aspire to their goals, knowing that we are right behind them as their champions.
Governors enable this vision by providing challenge and strategic support to ensure:
- rigorous monitoring of standards of teaching and learning;
- effective procedures and practices for the safeguarding and wellbeing of children and adults;
- robust financial management.
Governors of Hilton Lane Primary School are all volunteers who work to achieve the best possible outcomes for the children in terms of their learning and development to succeed in a world after Hilton Lane. Further information on the work of the Governing Board can be found here.
The Governing Board
The Governing Board of Hilton Lane Primary School is made up of a group of volunteers, both from within the school (staff and parents) and the wider community, and representatives from the Local Authority with an interest in the education of our children. We work together as a team, to ensure the best possible education for all the children, enabling them to realise and achieve their potential at each stage of their journey through school.
We take every opportunity to improve our experience and knowledge by attending training courses. Hilton Lane Primary has a very active Governing Board with subcommittee meetings once a term or more often if need be and a full Governing Board meeting takes place once a term.
The Governing Body can be contacted in writing through the school office. Please mark any letters for the attention of the Chair of Governors.
The governing body’s work focuses on three core strategic functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
Each member of our governing board sits on sub committees. There are two main committees:
- School Effectiveness
- Resources (facilities, finance and staffing)
The Governing Board Structure
Name | Role | Term From | Term To | Committee Member |
Paul Henderson - Griffiths |
Co-opted |
14.10.2023 |
13.10.2027 |
Resources |
Sue Cross |
LA Governor |
10.05.2022 |
08.05.2026 |
Resources |
Vivienne Rogerson |
Co-opted |
08.02.2022 |
07.02.2026 |
Resources |
Daniel Rowson |
Parent Governor |
15.06.2022 |
14.06.2026 |
Resources |
Deena Patel |
Parent Governor |
13.06.2023 |
12.06.2027 |
School Effectiveness |
Beth Pilling |
Staff Governor |
01.01.2024 |
01.01.2028 |
Resources |
Hayley Kearsley |
Headteacher |
01.09.2023 |
- |
Resources |
Sheri Reddop |
Co Opted |
10.12.2024 |
10.12.2028 |
Resources |
Historical governors
Name | Role | Term From | Term to |
Anne McNally | Co-Opted | 28th January 2020 | 27th January 2024 |
Katie Cossar | Parent Governor | 6th March 2020 | 5th March 2024 |
Aileen Birrell | Headteacher | 1st April 2016 | 31st August 2022 |
The Governing Board 3 year Action Plan
Register of Personal, Pecuniary or Business Interests
All the governors and associate members of Hilton Lane Primary School listed have signed the Register of personal, pecuniary or business interests. This is a declaration of any personal or business interest they or any relative or person closely connected with them, have with businesses or other organisations that may have dealings with the school. This could for example include owning or having a relative work for a business that had dealings with school; having a relative working in or for school or being a governor of another school.
If any interest a governor has could be seen to cause a conflict of interest, they would be asked to withdraw from any decision making concerned. This is to ensure that our governors can always be seen to be putting the interest of the school first.
If there is a potential conflict it is shown in the table. This table also shows the category of governor each person is, any specific role on the governing body and the committees they are members of.
More information about the requirements to complete and sign the Register of personal, pecuniary or business interests can be found on Salford City Council’s Governor Services web pages at http://www.salford.gov.uk/schoolgovernors.htm where you will also find the links to all the other local authority’s (LA) governing bodies’ personal, pecuniary or business interests registers.
Record of Declaration
Governor Name | Date Completed | Interests Declared |
Paul Henderson-Griffiths | 8th December 2024 | None |
Sue Cross | 10th December 2024 | None |
Vivienne Rogerson | 26th September 2023 | None |
Daniel Rowson | 11th November 2024 | Rowson Concrete Ltd - Director |
Deena Patel | 25th September 2023 | None |
Hayley Kearsley | 4th November 2024 | NAHT member |
Bethany Pilling | 10th December 2024 | None |
Sherri Reddop | 16th December 2024 |
Attendance Registers
Full Governing Board Meeting
Autumn 2024-2025 | Spring 2024-2025 | Summer 2024-205 | |
Paul H-G | / | ||
Sue C | / | ||
Vivienne R | X | ||
Daniel R | X | ||
Deena P | / | ||
Beth P | / | ||
Hayley K | / | ||
Sherri Reddop | / |
Autumn 2023-24 |
Spring 2023-24 |
Summer 2023-24 |
Paul H-G |
/ |
/ |
/ |
Sue C |
/ |
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Vivienne R |
/ |
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Daniel R |
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Deena P |
/ |
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Elin R |
/ |
Beth P |
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Hayley K |
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/ |
/ |
Resources Committee Meetings
Autumn 2023-24 |
Spring 2023-24 |
Summer 2023-24 |
Paul H-G |
/ |
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/ |
Sue C |
/ |
X |
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Vivienne R |
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Daniel R |
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X |
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Elin R |
/ |
Beth P |
/ |
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Hayley K |
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School Effectiveness Meeting
Autumn 2023-24 |
Spring 2023-24 |
Summer 2023-24 |
Paul H-G |
/ |
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Sue C |
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Vivienne R |
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Daniel R |
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Deena P |
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Elin R |
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Beth P |
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Hayley K |
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