
Breakfast Club

At Hilton Lane, we are firm believers in getting our day off to the best start possible. What better way than to start it with a nutritional breakfast.

Breakfast Club aims to provide a safe, secure, fun and educational environment for children, parents and staff. 

The breakfast club offers at least several activities in addition to breakfast, providing social, academic and creative opportunities as well as a healthy start to the day. Table top games, books, calm corners and time for chat are available in the school hall, as well as active group games and physical activities.

Breakfast Club starts at 7:45 and we stop serving breakfast @ 8:20am.

Costing £3.00 per day. Payment must be paid each week on Monday via ParentPay. If you would prefer to pay half termly, this can be arranged with the via the school office who will be able to advise you.


You can enquire about breakfast club via the office. 


we are always busy in breakfast club!