Responsibility is one of our core values here at Hilton Lane Primary School. We know how important it is that our children grow into caring and responsibly members of society. We support them in a range of different ways but take responsibility for their own thoughts and actions.
Children have the opportunity in school to take on additional responsibilities:
School Council
Being a part of the School Council is a privilege and a big responsibility. The School Council are voted by their classmates and when in post, they work closely with teachers to be part of school improvement. They work hard to make The Hilton Lane Family even better! The School Council are trusted members of the school community and they can be relied upon to complete tasks to a high standard and continuously model the core values to all.
Eco Council
Our Eco Council has a pupil from each class representing their fellow peers from Year 2 to Year 6. Each year, we hold a special election where candidates are voted for by their class. Being part of the Eco Council is a great opportunity for our pupils to become more involved in the way our school is run and encourage our whole school community to be more environmentally friendly.
This benefits the whole school, pupils, teachers, parents, and local community. It provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their strong feelings as well as influence decisions that are made.
The role of the Eco Councillors is to educate others and promote environmental friendliness within school by helping with the following tasks:
- Being a student voice in regular meetings and feedback any relevant information to their class.
- Taking suggestions and class votes from their class relating to discussions by the Eco Council.
- Having the responsibility to ensure that they express both their own views and the views of all the other pupils they represent.
- Organising events throughout the school year.
- Having links with the local community.
Playground Leaders
Pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 have the opportunity of applying for the position of Play Leader. Their responsibilities include organising play equipment for the younger children and leading play at lunch time.
Pupils who are interested in the role attend a meeting at the start of the academic year where they find out about the expectations and responsibilities involved. When they are sure they want to commit they are asked to fill out an application form which asks them to reflect and think about their personal strengths as an individual and what they feel they can offer to the role.
Successful candidates are announced in assembly and receive a playground leader vest and hat to wear when they are on duty. Mrs King and Mrs Taylor work closely with Play Leaders to organise a timetable so that they know when they are on duty and what their role is. They are fantastic role models.
Lunchtime Helpers
Our Year 6 lunchtime helpers are responsible for serving salad from the salad bar and supporting our younger pupils with using their cutlery correctly. They make sure that the dinner tables are cleaned after pupils have eaten and that all rubbish is in the bin. Lunchtime would be very chaotic without them - we are very grateful to them!
This team of children keep our library organised and work very closely with Ms Oliver, our English lead. They are responsible for keeping the library tidy and making sure all books are returned to the correct place.
Assembly Monitors
Our Year 6 assembly monitors are responsible for setting up the chairs and benches, which can be a big job during our Friday celebration assemblies! They also help to create a calming atmosphere by ensuring that calming music is playing on entry and exits. They support the younger classes in Deputy Headteacher assemblies, always modelling exceptional behaviour.
Our Free Uniform Shop
The School Council have been working hard to create a free uniform shop for any member of The Hilton Lane Family who may need it.
Recycling uniform is good for the environment and the bank balance!
Should you require any support with uniform, please come to the school office who will take you to the free uniform shop, no questions asked.